Online Therapy

Wherever you are

At the San Ginés Psychological Center we have implemented videoconferencing as a support to our therapeutic work, allowing us to access patients who, due to their location, physical conditions or time availability, can not go to our facilities. As such, the use of new technologies is only a means to our purpose, and in very few aspects it affects the form and content of our professional work. Although it is true that in videoconferencing the warmth of physical presence is lost, thanks to the quality of current audiovisual systems, all the fundamental elements of communication can be captured.
Video consultation keys
The effectiveness of a face-to-face session or videoconference is very similar provided that a series of standards are respected both by the psychologist and the patient:


Our behavior will be the same as if we were physically in the office. We will take care of punctuality, possible telephone interruptions, our way of dressing, manners, etc. The trust between patient and psychologist must always be based on mutual respect.


It is totally forbidden to record the sessions or part of them. Also, both the patient and the psychologist will ensure that no one else is present in the sessions. For our part we guarantee compliance with data protection, for which it is necessary prior to the start of treatment to complete an informed consent document by the client. The trust between patient and psychologist is based on the privacy of the content of the sessions.


The sessions are planned and prepared in advance by the psychologist, involve an investment of time and, therefore, to book an appointment is necessary to make the payment of the session. Once the payment is made, only modifications of the appointment are allowed, up to twenty-four hours before the start of the session and always by mutual agreement with the psychologist. The trust between patient and psychologist is born from the commitment of both with the therapy.


The effective work with the patients in the face-to-face consultations entails the accomplishment of tasks by these: Completion of questionnaires, elaboration of registers, etc. The trust between patient and psychologist requires the involvement of both in the therapeutic work.

Frequent questions

  • How can I go to therapy online?

    As if it were a face-to-face meeting, the first step is to contact the center by phone or email to arrange a first appointment. This first appointment, free, will last about 15 minutes, and its purpose is threefold:

  • What technical requirements does the video consultation require?

    The videoconference service requires, as is logical, that both the psychologist and the patient have a webcam equipped with a microphone or a similar system and connection to a broadband network to ensure adequate quality and fluidity in communications. The base software that we use for the sessions is Microsoft's Skype, free and multiplatform, very easy to install and use. In its web you can consult the technical requirements depending on the device and operating system in which the software is installed. However, to ensure that the sessions can be developed in an appropriate framework, we always propose a first free trial session, lasting approximately fifteen minutes, to ensure that both the user and the psychologist see, hear and can communicate properly. .

  • How is my privacy guaranteed?

    It is totally forbidden to record the sessions or part of them. Also, both the patient and the psychologist will ensure that no one else is present in the sessions. For our part we guarantee compliance with data protection, for which it is necessary prior to the start of treatment to complete an informed consent document by the client. The trust between patient and psychologist is based on the privacy of the content of the sessions.

  • What type of therapy can be performed by video consultation?

    In our Center we carry out some treatments that, due to their characteristics, can not be carried out effectively by videoconference. Among them are all those involving hypnosis or relaxation techniques, as well as those that have as a central axis problems of a couple or family. Notwithstanding the above, in the first contact session, free and about fifteen minutes long, an assessment of the problem will be made to consider whether it can be treated by videoconference or if it requires face-to-face treatment.

  • What is the price of the sessions?

    The price of the session is € 39, which is a 20% savings compared to face-to-face sessions. These sessions are exclusively private, so they can not be considered within the services we offer to the different health companies with which we collaborate.

  • How are the sessions paid?

    The payment of the sessions will be made through Paypal, one of the most extended and secure payment platforms. For your use it is not necessary to have an account in this service, since it also allows the option of making payments without registering (more information on the Paypal website). The price of the session is € 39, which is a 20% savings compared to face-to-face sessions

  • Can I go to video consultation through my insurance company?

    The video consultation sessions are exclusively private, so they can not be considered within the services we offer to the different health companies with which we collaborate.

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