Adolescence is the period of transition from childhood to adulthood. During this stage there are profound changes and transformations that affect not only the physical characteristics of the person, but also their intellectual, emotional and social aspects, making this stage one of the most difficult and turbulent of life.
The speed and intensity of these changes is difficult for many adolescents to assume. Sometimes they feel confused and disoriented and many emotional problems arise that need professional help.
During this stage, the relationship between parents and children is complex, and often as full of contradictions as the adolescent's own world. On the one hand, adolescents are increasingly autonomous and demand more independence in their personal and social life. At the same time, however, they need support and affection to be able to face a world they still do not understand. This duality makes many parents feel disoriented and go to our center for advice on how to deal with this new situation.
In addition to the parent-child relationship, in our center we also deal with the social relationships of the young person with their environment. For the adolescent, the group of friends is their social referent. This provides the necessary support to face the world, as well as the possibility of sharing their concerns and problems among equals. Affective relationships between the adolescent and his group are key to the emotional development of the person but, on occasion, the group exerts so much pressure on the adolescent that it can lead him to dangerous situations for his or her physical integrity or that of others (crimes, bad companies, drug use, school absenteeism). On the other hand, it is also frequent that many young people have difficulties to adapt to the group, and feel excluded by others, being able to provide the necessary skills to develop healthy relationships of friendship.