
How can we help you

Anxiety and depression

Anxiety and depression are the first warning signs that the body activates when there is some kind of psychological problem. They can appear as symptoms that accompany other psychological alterations or form disorders by themselves. Insomnia, apathy, lack of energy, alteration in appetite, poor self-concept or restlessness are just some of the most common manifestations of the presence of anxiety and depression.

Initiating treatment on time is essential so that these symptoms do not lead to more complex disorders, with the consequent discomfort of the sufferer and the need for a more intense and lasting intervention. We must be aware that the fact of not being well and that symptoms begin to appear that were not before was one of the resources that our body has to warn us that something is not as it should be.

Couple and sexuality

Couples therapy is one of the most frequent reasons for consultation in clinical psychology. Many couples have certain difficulties that have sometimes worsened over time and can not resolve. Others do not know how to deal with special situations that suddenly appear in their lives. Learn to communicate properly, to improve the climate in the couple, to know how to respect the other and to reinforce our own personality, to demystify beliefs about marriage, etc. These are issues of great importance for the survival of the union over the years. Even if the relationship is very deteriorated and the best option for both is through the separation of the couple, therapy can help to cope with this harsh process in the least harmful way possible, especially when there are children involved in the breakup.

They can also damage the couple's sexual disorders, such as premature ejaculation, vaginismus, impotence or erectile dysfunction, among others. Most of these problems have a very high psychological component in their cause and maintenance, so, once properly diagnosed, they can be treated and stop interposing in a satisfactory relationship.


Lto Adolescence is the period of transition from childhood to adulthood. During this stage there are profound changes and transformations that affect not only the physical characteristics of the person, but also their intellectual, emotional and social aspects, making this stage one of the most difficult and turbulent of life.

The speed and intensity of these changes is difficult for many adolescents to assume. Sometimes they feel confused and disoriented and many emotional problems arise that need professional help.

During this stage, the relationship between parents and children is complex, and often as full of contradictions as the adolescent's own world. On the one hand, adolescents are increasingly autonomous and demand more independence in their personal and social life. At the same time, however, they need support and affection to be able to face a world they still do not understand. This duality makes many parents feel disoriented and go to our center for advice on how to deal with this new situation.

In addition to the parent-child relationship, in our center we also deal with the social relationships of the young person with their environment. For the adolescent, the group of friends is their social referent. This provides the necessary support to face the world, as well as the possibility of sharing their concerns and problems among equals. Affective relationships between the adolescent and his group are key to the emotional development of the person but, on occasion, the group exerts so much pressure on the adolescent that it can lead him to dangerous situations for his or her physical integrity or that of others (crimes, bad companies, drug use, school absenteeism). On the other hand, it is also frequent that many young people have difficulties to adapt to the group, and feel excluded by others, being able to provide the necessary skills to develop healthy relationships of friendship.


Quitting smoking without anxiety, without discomfort and forever is possible through clinical hypnosis. With this technique you will be able to overcome the great obstacle that prevents you from getting rid of that habit that is so harmful to your health.

The treatment consists of a session of variable duration (between 1.5 and 3h) individually or in a maximum group of three people. It begins by explaining the hypnotic process, so you can know why it is an effective method in smoking and how you can benefit from it. Subsequently tests are done to check the suitability of this technique for your case in particular and, after a short break in which you can say goodbye to the tobacco forever, we proceed to the application of it. If we consider that the treatment is not going to benefit you because you are not a suitable candidate for this technique (there are very few subjects that can not be managed) or because your approach to the problem is not the most appropriate for its success, we will let you know so that Do not waste your time or your money, in addition to offering other alternatives with which to effectively address the problem of smoking.

Once the session is over, and during the following days, we will follow up on your status to ensure that the treatment is achieving the stated objective and resolve any unforeseen problems that may have arisen. You can have the peace of mind that in our center you will have professional, continuous and personalized attention. Finally, regarding the cost of treatment, you will have compensated in a few weeks once you have managed to quit smoking.

Social skills

We live in a socialized world that forces us to have to relate to others. If we think about how many people we have to relate to each day, we will realize the importance of this area in our lives. Managing appropriate social skills ensures that we can defend ourselves against the world around us by maintaining a prosperous relationship with others, getting us to respect without the need for aggressive behavior.

The work environment, the relationships of friends, the couple ... all are situations in which social skills will facilitate the path of understanding with the world around us.

At the San Ginés Psychological Center we can teach you to have an assertive behavior, to say "no", to handle situations of hostility, to ask for changes in behavior, to reinforce ... All tools necessary to develop the most satisfactory social relations for all parties.

Support in physical illness

When we suffer a physical illness not only our body weakens. Usually we also suffer psychologically, often presenting clear symptoms of anxiety and depression that can be decisive in the worsening of the disease. For a long time, medical services recognize the importance of psychological well-being in the development and cure of many diseases, especially those that involve a long and intense process of treatment. Eliminating anxiety-depressive symptoms, minimizing pain and suffering and strengthening ourselves to face the whole process are some of the objectives that arise when we work this type of cases in our center.

On the other hand, we can not forget the role of caregivers of sick people, as they are usually affected by their high involvement in the care they give to the sick person. At the San Ginés Psychological Center we advise you and indicate the guidelines to follow to minimize the psychological consequences of being a primary caregiver.
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